nu am mai scris de ceva vreme, dat fiind faptul ca am fost tare ocupata cu examenul de titularizare si cu admiterea la master * doua examene*...pentru unii pare putin, pentru altii nesemnificativ, important este ca ma simt implinita, ca am reusit sa deschid o usa prin simplul fapt ca a batut....
asadar dragii mei, doriti-va si atat!pentru ca in momentul in care va doriti ceva cu toata fiinta voastra, Dumnezeu va va oferi ceea ce cereti, Universul va avea grija cum sa fie favorabila orice miscare, iar voi veti fi concentrati asupra a ceea ce vreti, a ceea ce cautati!
asa am facut si eu:mi-am dorit cu toata fiinta, am avut momente in care am crezut ca nu voi reusi, am observat obstacole ce tot apareau in cale, chiar daca eu m-am pregatit, chiar daca eu visez de ceva timp sa ajung unde am sfarsit m-am simtit apreciata pentru ceea ce am facut timp de 3 ani de catre o comisie dintr-un alt oras decat acela in care ma asteptam sa fiu apreciata cu adevarat.
trecand peste obstacole, mi-am canalizat intreaga energie spre a obtine ceea ce vroiam, chiar daca existau si momente in care nu aveam incredere in mine, in care ma raportam la ceilalti candidati, chiar daca toti prietenii ma incurajau, chiar daca ma rugam sa reusesc...
tin sa multumesc tuturor prietenilor care au fost alaturi de mine si care m-au incurajat, care au avut incredere in mine, in dorinta mea, in pasiunea mea!
sunt foarte fericita, ma simt implinita, si imi permit sa va spun si voua: aveti incredere, doriti-va, rugati-va si vi se va da! :)
vineri, 30 iulie 2010
vineri, 23 iulie 2010
vineri, 9 iulie 2010
joi, 1 iulie 2010
Neither the flowers on the hill
or the moonlight on the sea
Have ever looked so blue
And everything looks new again
In that old familiar way
The view from my room
of the ships on the bay
Had come to bore me through and through
But they suddenly seem new again
In that old familiar way
The delicate ballet of blossoms falling off a tree
Had long gone unnoticed by me
I'm stunned by what now I finally see
It's amazing the wonders you can find
Just by stepping outside
There's a skip in my step a divine state of joy
In everything I do
Cause I am feeling new again
In that old familiar way
When I'm awoken from my dreams
by a cuckoo on the roof
I always join in too
And every sound sounds new again
In that old familiar way
The life I used to know
when I was busy always on the go
Left me with nothing to show
Now I feel that I can honestly say
I'm living a suitable life
I'm glad I finally got it right
special me :D me special :X
(Mark McIntyre)
Patience & Prudence - 1956
A smile is something special
A ribbon is something rare
So I'll be special and I'll be rare
With a smile and a ribbon in my hair
To be a girl they notice
Takes more than a fancy dress
So I'll be noticed because I'll dress
With a smile and a ribbon in my dresses
The bigger my toothy grin is
The smaller my troubles grow
The louder I say Im happy
The more I believe it's so
So I'll have that extra something
Because I know what to wear
So I'll be special and I'll be rare
I'll be something beyond compare
I'll be noticed because I'll wear
A smile and a ribbon in my hair
(Mark McIntyre)
Patience & Prudence - 1956
A smile is something special
A ribbon is something rare
So I'll be special and I'll be rare
With a smile and a ribbon in my hair
To be a girl they notice
Takes more than a fancy dress
So I'll be noticed because I'll dress
With a smile and a ribbon in my dresses
The bigger my toothy grin is
The smaller my troubles grow
The louder I say Im happy
The more I believe it's so
So I'll have that extra something
Because I know what to wear
So I'll be special and I'll be rare
I'll be something beyond compare
I'll be noticed because I'll wear
A smile and a ribbon in my hair
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